Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Email: August 28, 2017

Hey Family! 
This week was great!! We have been working hard and seeing some miracles! 
We were knockin' some doors and we talked through the doorbell with someone that said he already knows Jesus and stuff but would let us into the building to knock on other peoples' doors! So we went in and heard someone singing about Jesus, but it was his door. Me and Sis Johnson both felt like we should still knock and try again to talk with him. So we said a prayer and knocked again. He answered and was super nice and we talked for a little and told him about the restored gospel and said a prayer with him and invited him to church. He told us he would come to our church if we went to his! So early Sunday morning we went out to his apartment and he walked with us to church. His name is Patrick and he´s Brazillian. He stayed all 3 hours of church and was talking with the members and everything. He said that he would most definitley be coming back.  Then last night we went to his Evangelical church. Man, no one falls asleep in those churches. Everyone was SO friendly and welcoming so me and Sis Johnson decided our members need to be more friendly! Also we met some other people at that church that said that one day they would make a visit in our church. It was a blast! 
We have been teaching Maria Elisabete. She is going to be baptized! She made it to church this week and really liked it. We taught her the 3rd lesson and wrapped up each part of the lesson into presents and she loved it! 
I started reading the Book of Mormon again and truly I think a lot about Laman and Lemuel. I think sometimes I am a lot more like them than I am like Nephi. They also were obedient, as in they still went to try and get the plates. But the difference was they didn´t have faith and they complained. But I also read the talk from Brad Wilcox called His Grace is Sufficient and I learned we don´t have to be worthy to try again, but that through Jesus Christ, we ALWAYS have new beginnings. 
Sorry I don´t have much time because we locked our keys in our apartment and we had to wait and hour and 15 minutes for the guy to come. hahah 
Love you all and I pray for you every day! 
Sister Emma Hulsey
We literally live right in here! It´s soooo cute

                                         Our zone!

There is a fair going on right outside our house

Sister Johnson had a birthday!

It´s either super hot or foggy and rainy! 

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