Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Email: August 14, 2017

Hey family! 
Wow what a week! I had the opportunity to go to this big mission council. It lasted 2 days and it was full of trainings and the spirit! It was so fun to see some people before they left. We had Elder Moreira of the 70 come and speak with us. I learned so much and I feel like a whole new person and missionary. One thing that Elder Moreira explained to us is that we are doing the exact same work that the apostles did in the Bible. We are entitled to the same power. 
We only had a few days to work in our area this week and we really wanted to reach our goals and help our peeps ! We were able to find some awesome new investigators and we had some amazing lessons with our investigators. On Saturday we had a movie night in the chapel and these AMAZING people showed up. They are from South Africa. As we were talking with them they got emotional at the fact that we leave our lives behind to serve the Lord. We watched the Joseph Smith movie. I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I felt the spirit SO strong and my testimony was definitely strengthened. After the movie, we asked them how they liked it and they said they loved it! They asked when our church meetings are and everything. THE WORK IS MOVING ALONG SO WELL HERE IN SAO JOAO! But I am SO sad because I am leaving! 
I'm getting transferred to Viseu. I will be sister training leader and I'm going to finish the training of a sister. I'm really excited to go and I hear Viseu is awesome but I loved my time here! The other sad thing is a lot of missionaries were supposed to arrive but due to problems with visas only a few will be arriving so our area is being temporarily closed and only one dupla of elders will stay here so they can take care of a few of our investigators. I am so sad to leave this branch and our peeps here but I know the Lord has a plan for everything. I learned and grew so much here. It is the ghetto farmlands but I love them. I came closer to my Savior Jesus Christ! 
I LOVE the mission. Every transfer I learn more and more about the Atonement. We get fresh starts and become better. Glad things are going well back at home. Can´t believe summer is already coming to an end! 
Love you guys! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

we went to a medieval fair last week . it was so cool!! 

we had to bring home a lot of book of mormons. We stopped like 10 times carrying them coming home from the bus

the CUTEST members otilia e odette

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