Monday, June 19, 2017

Email: June 19, 2007

Dear Familia, 

I can´t believe it´s Monday again. Time flies when you´re having fun (and doing the Lord´s work)! I know we did a ton of stuff this week but my mind is a little blank right now. It has started to get REALLY hot here. Me and Sis B have sweat tacos the size of Texas but we have given up our vergonha (vanity) about that. There are some huge fires going on here right now. Everyone is talking about it...lots of people have died. It is pretty south so we haven´t been affected by it. There has been smoke in the air though. Other than that it has been a great week!  Some highlights
- One of our investigators invited us over to eat raclette. Some Swiss dish , it was delicious. Then we got to read with them in the BofM! 
- Teaching Ana! She is the young mother who is progressing a lot. She started calling it "our church". We were able to get 2 carseats for her to be able to go to church. We went over there early on Sunday to help her get ready and she was super nervous and excited. Our branch president came and picked her up but there wasn´t room in the car for us, so we walked. On the way we tried to bring a few more investigators but no one else wanted to come haha so then we practically ran 40 minutes to the church. We were so sweaty when we got there! But Ana fit right in at church and the members loved her kids. She and her kids both loved it and totes want to come back next week. I love her because I always think of Gma and how she was a young mom when she learned about the gospel. 
-Teaching the Evangelical Brazillian family! We were able to teach the whole family and they said we are always welcome. We read the introduction to the BofM with them and I think they were a little surprised at the part where it says the Book of Mormon is the MOST correct book because they REALLY like the Bible. But we bore testimony of it and they said they will read. 
I can´t really remember anything else that happened but the work is moving along just fine. I really love this branch that I´m working in. The members are some of the best in the whole world! This week I read a Elder Uchtdorf´s talk from the Priesthood session of the most recent General Conference. I love how he explains we don´t serve to get glory from man, but because we love God. 
Glad things are going well for you guys. I pray for you guys all the time. Love you all! Happy Fathers Day yesterday Dad. Sorry I kind of forgot because Fathers Day in Portugal was forever ago. ! 
Sister Emma Hulsey
Some peeps told us to go and pick plums off their tree. Now we have a bag full 

The suns out.... don´t worry it went away within 2 days 

our investigators son. In Portugal they celebrate a bunch of the saints and the kids all dress up in these things and do a dance

I forgot my nametag one day ... good thing sis b is always prepared

a goose... still not over my fear. 



I bought a hat to help with the sunburn problem

P day at the beach!

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