Friday, June 16, 2017

Email: June 11, 2017

Querida Familia, 
This week flew by! I Feel like the time just keeps going faster and faster. We just seem to keep getting busier and busier... what a blessing. We had to go to Porto 2 times this week and man I have been getting pretty sick. BUT haha it´s funny because the way I don´t feel sick is by contacting! So I spent the hours on the bus talking with the people and now we have a few people to go by and visit! I am just loving the Portuguese people more and more. They are a very kind people, sometimes just with a hard shell. But they crack me up. I love how they have no embarrassment to yell and stuff. I was in the front of the bus and all the sudden someone from the back yelled and asked for my Facebook so we gave him the fb of the church. Maybe the whole bus heard! 
We have been helping Ana this week. She is the young mother who is passing through some difficulties. Every time we are over there, the spirit is super strong. She is going to come to church next week, we just need to find some carseats for her kids... 
Our gypsy´s are doing pretty well. SO this week Fatima and Carlos got in a fight our something so she is wanting to kick him out of the house and said she couldn´t come to church. BUT we have been visiting her sister Cristina and her family. Cristina´s husband, Augustinho, is awesome. He told us that he wants a change in his life and wants to obey God´s commandments in order to help his kids. He has been reading in the Book of Mormon and talked about Laban being killed with his own sword! They told us they would come to church this week and guess who walked in during the last 5 minutes of sacrament meeting! The members were very friendly to them and they said they want to come back next week. We had our correlation meeting and our branch president invited us to go to branch council as well. We had about an hour in between and really wanted to go visit the gypsies so Jorge (a member who will give us a ride anywhere) Ana (so that we could ride in the car with Jorge) and Miguel (he just came along for the fun) come with us and we visited them and they were so welcoming! The house was full of people and the spirit. Then Jorge took us back to the church so we jammed out to the Anjos Sem Asas song in his car. Was a very happy memory. 
We finally were able to teach Daniel and Kassia again! We taught them about the plan of salvation and they seemed to like it. They said they don´t want to be baptized because they can´t keep the commitment. They really uhhh live that party life. Turns out Daniel is an up and comin' rapper. Fixe! They´re cool and said one day they will come to church. 
I LOVE my mission. I am so grateful for all of the things Heavenly Father is teaching me. I am grateful for his son Jesus Christ. I am reading in 3rd Nephi right now. I read when he gives the Sermon on the Mount and it is amazing all of the blessing we receive when we follow Christ. I am so grateful for the spirit, too- I have received some very specific impressions this week and I know that Heavenly Father is so aware of us. 
I am so glad that you guys are doing well. Happy summer! Keep busy and keep being good. Best of luck with all of your endeavors. Love you all so much and appreciate everything you do! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

one of our investigators gave us rice with squid. wasn´t too bad

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