Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Email: March 6, 2017

Hello family!! 
So good to hear from you guys! wow eli and caleb can already ride 2 wheelers. They´re growing up so fast! is the band thinking about going on a mission?? We had some warm weather here but it´s back to cold and rainy! but that´s ok! 
My new comps name is Sister Taborda.  She was baptized 7 years ago and hit 9 months this past week (we celebrated at a japonese buffet that had brazillian music!) . she is the only active member in her immediate family. OH so sis marinho on her mission baptized (a member of the 70) Elder moreiro who later served a mission and baptized the family of sis Taborda! it´s a small world in the church! I am so lucky to serve with sis taborda! she is super fun and super obedient! exactly what i needed this transfer!  sis taborda and I are working hard  and having fun! 
This week we went to go visit rosa and henrique so we got on the bus and i thought i knew where we needed to get off but when the end of the line came we decided to talk to the driver. He let us stay on until we looped back to the stop we needed. He also gave us his address and phone number and the elders are going to visit him! Well, we finally were on the street of rosa and henrique and all of the sudden we found antonio, the son of a member here in braga! we talked with him for a little bit and he invited us to visit with him and his wife. we seized the opportunity and taught them the 1st lesson. It was really cool and we will visit them again this week. Then we had a lesson with isabel, rosa, and henrique and MIGUEL!! we felt that we needed to invite miguel to participate and he participated. I don´t know if he will accept in the future but isabel after was SO happy to have her whole family united listening to the word o god. 
I read a chapter about optimissim in the teachings of gordon b hinckly and really enjoyed it! We can always be grateful and optimistic! This week anabela broke up with us (she read something about the word of wisdom and she drinks and smokes)  but then we received a phone call this morning and we are going to meet with her tonight! 
Love you guys and the gospel of Jesus Christ! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

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