Monday, March 13, 2017

Email: March 13, 2017

to clear up your confusion. I have my comp sis taborda. She is going to change her name to use that of her father´s. haha She is really awesome. We have been super obedient and tryiing to use our time wisely. Im enjoying myself! haha this week was great! We had interviews with our president which was good. it was only like 10 minutes and we were kind of annoyed that we had to ride the train for an hour to get there and an hour to get back BUT on the way there we started talking with a guy and in the end we invited him to church. well guess who showed up on sunday!!!! and he said he will come again next week. #worthit (an the interview was good!) things are going well with rosa and henrique and we hope the baptism goes well this week! This passed friday night we were knocking and knocking doors and not finding anyone. It was 9h26 and we decided we needed to knock one more floor before going home. Well we did and found isabel! she has a lot of interest and we are excited to go back. HAHAH but her son felipe who is like 36 had been doing drugs that day and was a little bit crazy. He offered us coffee and turned on the machine but we just kept telling him we don´t drink coffee but he wouldn´t listen. but in the end he gave us water! then we asked if we could say a prayer and all the sudden he got up and just asked if we wanted to watch the end he didn´t want to listen to us but his mom is really cool!  Then the next day we went to go visit belmira. She wasn´t in her house but nikki, a student that lives with her invited us in. We ended up teaching her and she has a lot of interest. She is from iran and doesn´t speak portuguese, so we taught in english. (but my comp doesn´t speak english ahhaa) it was so weird to teach in english but nikki is super sweet! Also the elders this past saturday had a baptism and we had planned to sing a special musical number with them but then while we walked up there the elders told us we were going to do a duet. in the end it went well and the baptism was awesome! Also anabela has been meeting with us again and we are going to help her with her addiction to alcohol! 
The Lord is SOOOOO good and i love this work. I read President Uchdorft's talk forget me not, highly suggest it. Love hearing from you guys!! im happy things are going well back in Utah. 
Love Emma

Rosa and Henrique tried on their baptism clothes!

We were given flowers for the dia da mulher

We went to bom jesus for pday! it was pretty!

we found forget me not flowers today!!!! we both read that talk from Elder Uchdorff and loved it

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