Monday, January 2, 2017

Email: January 2, 2017

Querida Familia!
Oh sorry that you´re sick! everyone here is too, everyone has gripe. But sister gouveia and i are healthy so that´s a blessing! holy cow where did megan and ren  have this party. sounds like fun. Hope grandma Huggy called on new years. I can´t believe it is 2017 either! what a wonderful year 2016 was! i am jealous that you guys are teaching sunbeams, besides a missionary that is the best calling in the world. 
We had a great week and a very happy new year! we did some family nights this week which went really well! we had entire families participate! i love how the gospel of jesus christ that was restored through a prophet unites family! these are the miracles most special for me to see because i know that my family has been so blessed by this gospel. Through any hard time or whatever problem the gospel is the answer. Saturday night was interesting because our appointments fell through so we went to knock doors and pratically NO ONE was home. so we just kept trying and said we can contact peeps on the street but there was NO ONE on the streets. but we kept going and knocking but the miracle came the next day when we had 2 less actives and 2 investigators come to church, early in the morning after new years!! i was so happy to see them. oh at midnight there were SOO many fireworks it was super cool. 
I love you guys and i am excited to see what this year has in store for me! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

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