Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Email: November 29, 2016

Hello Family!
Sounds like you guys all had an awesome thanksgiving and black Friday. How great! Also that megan got her wisdom teeth out. Now she can be dumb with me. Wow and we will get 2 new cousins this year!!!! how awesome. oh man i can´t believe you guys already got my package, i only sent it like 2 weeks ago. Good job portugal mail system! I am glad caleb had a happy birthday and that the play for Adam went well. Oh good times at cookie night, and making cinnamon rolls with gma. 
It was a crazy and really great week! We had a really awesome zone conference. President talked a lot about how we cannot judge others. He had us do an activity where in 10 minutes we make a list of everything we have to repent of. All the missionaries had at least 10 things written. he suggested that we do this monthly and then throughout the month work on all of those things instead of worrying about other people´s lists. It was awesome! then we learned about how we can make every moment, appointment, or visit a sacred experience. This conference was on thanksgiving, and to our surprise we had a wonderful thanksgiving lunch! usually for conferences we always eat mcdonalds so it was a good surprise. I forgot my camera dang it but it was really good to see other missionaries. 
On friday night we received news that sister maingot would be transfered the following tuesday so we were preparing for that and then we received another call that it would be saturday and then another that it would be friday, so it was a bit complicated! this week she was finally given the news that she could walk for a little bit so we were glad we got 1 day to work with her! on saturday we worked hard and were able to teach a couple lessons and find new people to teach! and then on sunday we had 4 investigators come to church it was a miracle! This one guy  we contacted  on the street and he invited us to his house so we (tried) to teach him the first lesson and then he offered to give a prayer. I don´t know which religion he is from but wow it was interesting. We were given blessings and everything but the next day he showed up at church! He has a really great spirit. But in the end, yes sister maingot was transfered and we already miss her so much, but are excited that she can get back to work!  The Lord is really blessing us here! Our mission has a goal to have 25 baptisms by Christmas for the month of december, and sister barboza and i REALLY want to participate. We are excited to work hard this week to reach this goal. 
 I love it here. Sure some moments are hard but overall it is such a privilege to teach and testify all the time. To be honest i used to not really like teaching because it was hard and i never remembered the words or anything but now i look forward to it so much! I am really excited for the Christmas season. Also the video campaign the church has this year is BEAUTIFUL! be the light! i invite everyone to participate in this.
Love you guys and love our Savior Jesus Christ! 
Sister Hulsey
sister maingot e barboza surprised me with this 5 month lunch. They made chicken nuggets haha!!


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