Monday, September 19, 2016

Email: September 19, 2016

Querida Familia,
´This week has been incredible! First of all, my new companion is Sis Nagliati. I. LOVE. HER. Her parents are Italian but she grew up in Brazil but also lived in England for a little bit so she speaks perfect English and Portuguese! But she totally has the attitude of an Italian. My favorite thing to do is we introduce ourselves as Italians! I am just totally trying to become more Italian every day. She is absolutely an incredible missionary. I have already learned so much from her. She has really good ideas and wants to leave everything better than she found it. She is SO nice and SO encouraging to me! We have already seen so many miracles! I didn´t realize how trunky I was but now I have so many other things on my mind (like our investigators and trying not to get lost and Portuguese) that there isn´t too much room to think about home. I am feeling more like myself again and happier. I know Heavenly Father sent Sis Nagliati to me because I needed her! 
Well, we have seen so many miracles. First of all, we haven´t gotten that lost! Only a few times but hey, we are learning the area faster. Second, we finally were able to contact this reference we received and she is marked for baptism! She is amazing and has so much faith. Her name is Dona Leila and she always tells us she feels the spirit so strong when we are with her. Also, Sis Smith and I were teaching a gypsy family ever since I had arrived here. The father never participated in the lessons and they just weren´t progressing. Well, Sis Nagliati and I went over there and the father came and listened and a cousin too. The kids (for the first time) stayed quiet and yesterday the mom came to church!!! She was baptized 14 years ago but hasn´t been to church in 13 years!! We were so happy for her but her kids were going crazy at church so they only stayed for 2 meetings. We are going to try and plan stuff for the kids to do so Rute can enjoy church more. Also the cooooolest thing happened last night. Ok we were on our way home and I looked in my bag and realized I lost my planner somewhere. We decided to go back to the place we thought it would be and we went back but it wasn´t there. I was really upset with myself and felt so bad for wasting so much time having to go back and look for it. Sis Nagliati was so nice and said that we were going to see a miracle because of it. That maybe someone would find it and one day be baptized. Well, we headed home once again. We were walking home from the metro stop and all the sudden a lady jumped out of her car and called us over. She asked if we were the elders so we explained how we are (the female version) and then she looks up to the sky, thanks God, and asks us to explain everything about our church. SHE IS AMAZING!! I don´t know how she saw us, was able to pull over her car and get our attention, but it would have never happened had I not lost my planner because we were getting home really late! I know God is so aware of everything we do and all of his children! We are excited to go and teach her! 
I´m so glad everything seems to be ok at home! You guys sound like you´re having a lot of fun. I am so excited for Stephanie, she will be so awesome. And yes, I know the Lord is blessing our efforts! Luckily, here in Portugal, there usually are some people to teach. There was actually a promise I read from our mission that says Portugal will be the lighthouse for Europe and be the standard. I still get overwhelmed when I think about how I will be doing this for another however many months but if I take it a day at a time I don´t get too stressed. I am happy Eli likes physical therapy. AND HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday to Maren this week!!! Soo exciting and I hope you have lots of fun. Oh man primary program is the best. Please and take a picture of Caleb on the stand! How cool that Grandma joined the church 50 years ago! Oh and I am so excited for conference. I don´t know the details but I hope we can watch it in English. haha I love you guys and pray for you all the time! 
Sis Emma Hulsey

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