Monday, September 12, 2016

Email: September 12, 2016

Querida Familia,
Holy my moly this week was INSANE!!! We got to teach the cutest Cabo Verdian family last Monday. We ended up teaching about temples and the spirit was so strong. Salta, the mom, in the end said that maybe she will ask for work off for a Sunday so she can come to church. She came up with the idea all by herself (well, with the spirit of course) so we were PUMPED! Then on Tuesday.-oh Tuesday was incredible! We had mission conference with Elder Zwick and his adorable wife. It was amazing and I learned a ton. I regained a fogo to do missionary work. He has an incredible spirit about him. I learned a lot about the Atonement and how it really can enable us to do anything we need to. And gives us the opportunity every day to try again to be better. I have already learned so much and feel so much closer to my savior throughout my mission experience! At the end of the conference, he gave time for some missionaries to bear their testimony on what they learned. Sis Smith went up and came back down then nudged me to go. I told her I didn´t learn anything ;) but mostly I was just way too nervous to go in front of everyone and bear my testimony in broken Portuguese. But the spirit nudged me as well and next thing I knew I was in the front. I don´t remember what exactly I said, but I bore testimony of our savior and the spirit bore witness of the truthfulness! Everyone told me after my Portuguese is great, but it´s a shame I don´t even know what I said!! Anyways... we taught some other good lessons this week as well. Then on Tuesday Sis Smith had to go to a leadership training with Elder Zwick and so I went on a division with Sis Morey and Sis Arouja (a Brazillian!) but I was SO nervous because we were in my area so I had to lead them around. I honestly still feel so lost but that day I prayed so hard for the spirit to guide me and help me remember and be able to read the map and we were able to find the house we needed to! It was really good practice for these next 6 weeks because I will be getting a new companion and she won´t know the area!! I am pretty nervous but I totally trust the spirit will help me. We got fed like 3 times this week because Sis Smith is leaving! Oh me oh my the food was very good! Also last night the young people in our ward threw Sis Smith a little surprise party! They were adorable and so nice and it was lots of fun! 
Well, Sis Smith and I said our goodbyes this morning. Right now I´m with Sister Nance and Sis Fortunato (some of the COOLEST sisters in the mission) and I will stay with them until tomorrow for transfers. I am nervous for my new companion but really excited for an opportunity to make this transfer awesome! I will miss Sis Smith though. She was pretty flipping awesome. But I know that President is very inspired and I will be with the right person! 
Missions are just so fun. I don´t know if I´m even really helping anyone here, but I have learned and grown SO much. (oh, I have an angel story!! haha Rosa, our cray investigator, always says we are her angels. She is still wishy washy on baptism, but I know she will be marked again soon) I am grateful for all the things I have already learned. I know the gospel is so true! 
I am glad you guys are doing well! I love the pics you sent me! Keep them coming! Megan looked gorgeous for hoco.  She looked good and that´s all that counts. Labor Day looked like a blast! Oh man poor reber family. Tell Quincy I love him and he should shoot me an email! and Shawn as well. They are awesome. Oh Tess and Niki both seem to be doing awesome . Portugal really is just the cutest country. The people are so funny, the food is pretty good, and the buildings are beautiful! I read my call letter last night and I just remembered back to when I opened my call. It’s so weird that I´m actually here and that I actually get to be a missionary. Sis Smith just tells me to cherish every moment because it goes by fast! These past 6 weeks have been really long, yet I can´t believe they’re over. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me and for Portugal!! I know this work is soooo important and I encourage you all to take part and participate! (I read a talk by Elder Bednar this week and he was talking about praying in faith. He said that there are members all around the world that pray for the missionaries to be able to find people. #guilty but he said that really the members are the ones who find, and the missionaries then can teach) I love this gospel and my savior and you guys and Portugal! 

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