Monday, September 26, 2016

Email: September 26, 2016

I am so glad Sis Poole texted Aunt Natalie! yeah we had this Hawaiin party here in Porto and they were there! It was really fun to talk with them! The party was super fun too! They were playing some worldly music though and I couldn´t help but dance. We had an investigator there too and so she was able to meet some peeps! Man me and Sister Nagliati would hand out so many invites for that party though. Every time we got on a bus I would say you take front I take back and we hand invites to everyone! Now we will have to do that for Conference! Yes, we get to watch conference! I think all the session this Saturday and Sunday! We are hoping to have a lot of investigators there! I am so excited to be able to hear from our living prophet today and the apostles! What a privilege. Haha oh Caleb, I love him! Yeah Christmas will be a great day! Wow I wish I could have been there for the primary program! I am proud of Caleb and Eli. sounds like they did a great job. We only have like 3 or 4 kids in primary, so I don´t think they´re doing a program. Sister Nagliati and I  are trying right now actually to really work with this ward. It has some strong members but they are a little burnt out. We are praying to know how to better help and serve them! 
Wow congratulations to Gma! What an exciting thing to celebrate! Without her, or the misssionaries that taught her, I wouldn´t be here! It´s so fun to be with Sister Nagliati-every day we make oil and vinegar salad and then we drink the leftover vinegar!! And she doesn´´t care if I´m loud because she is too. 
OK so about Dani, the woman who stopped us. SHE IS INCREDIBLE!!! I don´t even believe she is real. She is totally receptive to our message and truly wants to change her life. She is doing great with quitting smoking. We made her a calendar where she smokes one less cigarette a day and has a new scripture every day to read and uses prayer. We try to really focus our lessons on the Savior and the enabling power of the atonement for her! She fed us dinner this week, took us out to crepes, gave us a ride to church, and offered to take us grocery shopping. She bought a knee length dress for church (cause she only had mini skirts!) and gave a ride home to one of our other investigators! I pray that the Lord will continue to give her strength! 
Also we are teaching a super cute family and the mom and baby came to church!! She was only able to make it for sacrament but she said she really liked it!  Her baby, Simao, is the cutest thing and during the hymns he would start dancing! He did really well in Sacrament Meeting too! She really likes our messages. Her husband works every Sunday though. And they are not married. So Sis Nagliati and I really want to teach some powerful lessons so they will really want to change and be baptized! and Rosa...well she really needs some help. Sis Nagliati and I are at a loss on how to help her. Every time she calls us telling us she is not ok we tell her to read and pray and we bear testimony of our Savior. Other than that there  isn´t much we can do! 
The Lord is blessing us with so many miracles! It is so humbling because I realize every day how imperfect I am. I mess up every single day. Yet because of the atonement, I have the chance to try again every day. The Lord is so merciful! I know he loves us to much! He is in the details of our lives! I love that dots theme for YW (depond on the Savior). I realize more every day how dependent I am on the Savior, which makes me want to share this message. It´s the single greatest thing we can give-a message of hope and peace. I love you guys! Hope you have a wonderful week! and I hope conference is a great experience! 
SisterEmma Hulsey
Oh man- I am starting to kind of like fish. Dani made us codfish with creme and it wasn´t bad! 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Email: September 19, 2016

Querida Familia,
´This week has been incredible! First of all, my new companion is Sis Nagliati. I. LOVE. HER. Her parents are Italian but she grew up in Brazil but also lived in England for a little bit so she speaks perfect English and Portuguese! But she totally has the attitude of an Italian. My favorite thing to do is we introduce ourselves as Italians! I am just totally trying to become more Italian every day. She is absolutely an incredible missionary. I have already learned so much from her. She has really good ideas and wants to leave everything better than she found it. She is SO nice and SO encouraging to me! We have already seen so many miracles! I didn´t realize how trunky I was but now I have so many other things on my mind (like our investigators and trying not to get lost and Portuguese) that there isn´t too much room to think about home. I am feeling more like myself again and happier. I know Heavenly Father sent Sis Nagliati to me because I needed her! 
Well, we have seen so many miracles. First of all, we haven´t gotten that lost! Only a few times but hey, we are learning the area faster. Second, we finally were able to contact this reference we received and she is marked for baptism! She is amazing and has so much faith. Her name is Dona Leila and she always tells us she feels the spirit so strong when we are with her. Also, Sis Smith and I were teaching a gypsy family ever since I had arrived here. The father never participated in the lessons and they just weren´t progressing. Well, Sis Nagliati and I went over there and the father came and listened and a cousin too. The kids (for the first time) stayed quiet and yesterday the mom came to church!!! She was baptized 14 years ago but hasn´t been to church in 13 years!! We were so happy for her but her kids were going crazy at church so they only stayed for 2 meetings. We are going to try and plan stuff for the kids to do so Rute can enjoy church more. Also the cooooolest thing happened last night. Ok we were on our way home and I looked in my bag and realized I lost my planner somewhere. We decided to go back to the place we thought it would be and we went back but it wasn´t there. I was really upset with myself and felt so bad for wasting so much time having to go back and look for it. Sis Nagliati was so nice and said that we were going to see a miracle because of it. That maybe someone would find it and one day be baptized. Well, we headed home once again. We were walking home from the metro stop and all the sudden a lady jumped out of her car and called us over. She asked if we were the elders so we explained how we are (the female version) and then she looks up to the sky, thanks God, and asks us to explain everything about our church. SHE IS AMAZING!! I don´t know how she saw us, was able to pull over her car and get our attention, but it would have never happened had I not lost my planner because we were getting home really late! I know God is so aware of everything we do and all of his children! We are excited to go and teach her! 
I´m so glad everything seems to be ok at home! You guys sound like you´re having a lot of fun. I am so excited for Stephanie, she will be so awesome. And yes, I know the Lord is blessing our efforts! Luckily, here in Portugal, there usually are some people to teach. There was actually a promise I read from our mission that says Portugal will be the lighthouse for Europe and be the standard. I still get overwhelmed when I think about how I will be doing this for another however many months but if I take it a day at a time I don´t get too stressed. I am happy Eli likes physical therapy. AND HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday to Maren this week!!! Soo exciting and I hope you have lots of fun. Oh man primary program is the best. Please and take a picture of Caleb on the stand! How cool that Grandma joined the church 50 years ago! Oh and I am so excited for conference. I don´t know the details but I hope we can watch it in English. haha I love you guys and pray for you all the time! 
Sis Emma Hulsey

Monday, September 12, 2016

Email: September 12, 2016

Querida Familia,
Holy my moly this week was INSANE!!! We got to teach the cutest Cabo Verdian family last Monday. We ended up teaching about temples and the spirit was so strong. Salta, the mom, in the end said that maybe she will ask for work off for a Sunday so she can come to church. She came up with the idea all by herself (well, with the spirit of course) so we were PUMPED! Then on Tuesday.-oh Tuesday was incredible! We had mission conference with Elder Zwick and his adorable wife. It was amazing and I learned a ton. I regained a fogo to do missionary work. He has an incredible spirit about him. I learned a lot about the Atonement and how it really can enable us to do anything we need to. And gives us the opportunity every day to try again to be better. I have already learned so much and feel so much closer to my savior throughout my mission experience! At the end of the conference, he gave time for some missionaries to bear their testimony on what they learned. Sis Smith went up and came back down then nudged me to go. I told her I didn´t learn anything ;) but mostly I was just way too nervous to go in front of everyone and bear my testimony in broken Portuguese. But the spirit nudged me as well and next thing I knew I was in the front. I don´t remember what exactly I said, but I bore testimony of our savior and the spirit bore witness of the truthfulness! Everyone told me after my Portuguese is great, but it´s a shame I don´t even know what I said!! Anyways... we taught some other good lessons this week as well. Then on Tuesday Sis Smith had to go to a leadership training with Elder Zwick and so I went on a division with Sis Morey and Sis Arouja (a Brazillian!) but I was SO nervous because we were in my area so I had to lead them around. I honestly still feel so lost but that day I prayed so hard for the spirit to guide me and help me remember and be able to read the map and we were able to find the house we needed to! It was really good practice for these next 6 weeks because I will be getting a new companion and she won´t know the area!! I am pretty nervous but I totally trust the spirit will help me. We got fed like 3 times this week because Sis Smith is leaving! Oh me oh my the food was very good! Also last night the young people in our ward threw Sis Smith a little surprise party! They were adorable and so nice and it was lots of fun! 
Well, Sis Smith and I said our goodbyes this morning. Right now I´m with Sister Nance and Sis Fortunato (some of the COOLEST sisters in the mission) and I will stay with them until tomorrow for transfers. I am nervous for my new companion but really excited for an opportunity to make this transfer awesome! I will miss Sis Smith though. She was pretty flipping awesome. But I know that President is very inspired and I will be with the right person! 
Missions are just so fun. I don´t know if I´m even really helping anyone here, but I have learned and grown SO much. (oh, I have an angel story!! haha Rosa, our cray investigator, always says we are her angels. She is still wishy washy on baptism, but I know she will be marked again soon) I am grateful for all the things I have already learned. I know the gospel is so true! 
I am glad you guys are doing well! I love the pics you sent me! Keep them coming! Megan looked gorgeous for hoco.  She looked good and that´s all that counts. Labor Day looked like a blast! Oh man poor reber family. Tell Quincy I love him and he should shoot me an email! and Shawn as well. They are awesome. Oh Tess and Niki both seem to be doing awesome . Portugal really is just the cutest country. The people are so funny, the food is pretty good, and the buildings are beautiful! I read my call letter last night and I just remembered back to when I opened my call. It’s so weird that I´m actually here and that I actually get to be a missionary. Sis Smith just tells me to cherish every moment because it goes by fast! These past 6 weeks have been really long, yet I can´t believe they’re over. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me and for Portugal!! I know this work is soooo important and I encourage you all to take part and participate! (I read a talk by Elder Bednar this week and he was talking about praying in faith. He said that there are members all around the world that pray for the missionaries to be able to find people. #guilty but he said that really the members are the ones who find, and the missionaries then can teach) I love this gospel and my savior and you guys and Portugal! 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Email: September 5, 2016

Woooow sounds like you guys had a great week! filled with lots of fun! hahaha and I love that gma is able to find the bugs. how sweet of her to help. and CONGRATS  ADAM!!!!! the play will be so fun and good for you for getting involved. best of luck to you megan in the pagaent (you better send me pics!!!) and Eli i am so happy first grade is going well. You are so smart. And Caleb, i love ya, i owe ya!  Glad dad´s bday was fun. Oh man not gonna lie i am jealous you got to go to alex boye, how fun!! you guys sound like youre just having a grand ole time!
This week has been great! Things have been crazy! Sis Smith only has 1 more week on the mission! she has been going crazy because she doesn´t want to leave but she wants to see her family. It has actually been kind of funny! also i like her because she laughs at all of my dumb jokes. it´s a good time. I am having so much fun!
We taught some awesome lessons this week filled with the spirit. We are teaching a few families right now, which is the best! They have the most beautiful children and their houses just have a special spirit in them. However, both of them work on sundays but i know one day they will get baptized. As far as our baptism....não se. Our investiator Rosa is a little bit crazy. She texts us one day that she loves our messages and then the next day she tells us she doesn´t want to be a member. We will see how this week goes with her but we don´t want to just try and rush her baptism. She has a lot of faith and as soon as she makes a decision to follow Christ, she will be able to give up coffee (that´s what she is really struggling with) although this week we watched the restoration vídeo with her and the spirit was SO strong! i don´t know about Rosa but i needed to watch it! Joseph Smith (and Emma) are such great exemples. My favorite line from the movie is Shall we not go on in such a great cause???? it´s so true!! i have such a legacy behind me. I love that restoration vídeo, you guys should watch it if you have time. It just really helps bring the spirit!! and it´s a great rom com too.
We have some investigators that are progressing, really they all believe our messages but they just need to act!! that is how they will gain faith. I have faith that heavenly father will give them the desire to do the right things! We find some of our investigators through our own contacts but really our more solid ones are references! It´s interesting (and awesome) to see the way God works. We try and do all we can by talking to more people but god sends us a miracle through someone else. It is so cool and I know God is SO aware of his children.
One night this week we were walking back to our apartment and it was already late. But we saw a woman with some bags in her hand so we ran up to her and helped her. Poor thing, she has extreme anxiety and was shaking and stuff so we told her we would walk her home. She didn´t live very far, but it took about na hour to get her home! we felt bad for getting home so late but we had to help her!! man the people here are just crazy, but you gotta love them! it is fun to learn and learn to love a different culture.
I love the character of Christ talk!! i try to remember it and try to always turn outwards. The less i think about myself, the happier i seem to be! I am starting to feel more comfortable with missionary life. I have to accept that there will never be a perfect day, but we have a savior. Every day i can try better to be more obedient and be more like our savior. When i let my testimony take over, things go better. If i just try to speak from my heart and the thoughts and feelings the spirit gives to me.
Thanks for all of the love and prayers!! I hope you have another fantastic week and good luck with the pageant and everything! i pray for you guys always! tell everyone i am happy and loving Portugal. I am really having so much fun ( i hope that´s not a bad thing...) and i feel my testimony grow everyday!!!
Love you sooooooo much!
Sister Emma Rose Hulsey
Woooow sounds like you guys had a great week! filled with lots of fun! yeah probs was a good idea not to tell marjorie about stalking. hahaha and I love that gma is able to find the bugs. how sweet of her to help. and CONGRATS  ADAM!!!!! the play will be so fun and good for you for getting involved. best of luck to you megan in the pagaent (you better send me pics!!!) and Eli i am so happy first grade is going well and cathing too. You are so smart. And Caleb, i love ya, i owe ya!  Glad dad´s bday was fun. Oh man not gonna lie i am jealous you got to go to alex boye, how fun!! you guys sound like youre just having a grand ole time!
This week has been great! Things have been crazy! Sis Smith only has 1 more week on the mission! she has been going crazy because she doesn´t want to leave but she wants to see her family. It has actually been kind of funny! also i like her because she laughs at all of my dumb jokes. it´s a good time. I am having so much fun!
We taught some awesome lessons this week filled with the spirit. We are teaching a few families right now, which is the best! They have the most beautiful children and their houses just have a special spirit in them. However, both of them work on sundays but i know one day they will get baptized. As far as our baptism....não se. Our investiator Rosa is a little bit crazy. She did drugs and her mind is not exactly all there. She texts us one day that she loves our messages and then the next day she tells us she doesn´t want to be a member. We will see how this week goes with her but we don´t want to just try and rush her baptism. She has a lot of faith and as soon as she makes a decision to follow Christ, she will be able to give up coffee (that´s what she is really struggling with) although this week we watched the restoration vídeo with her and the spirit was SO strong! i don´t know about Rosa but i needed to watch it! Joseph Smith (and Emma) are such great exemples. My favorite line from the movie is Shall we not go on in such a great cause???? it´s so true!! i have such a legacy behind me. I love that restoration vídeo, you guys should watch it if you have time. It just really helps bring the spirit!! and it´s a great rom com too.
We have some investigators that are progressing, really they all believe our messages but they just need to act!! that is how they will gain faith. I have faith that heavenly father will give them the desire to do the right things! We find some of our investigators through our own contacts but really our more solid ones are references! It´s interesting (and awesome) to see the way God works. We try and do all we can by talking to more people but god sends us a miracle through someone else. It is so cool and I know God is SO aware of his children.
One night this week we were walking back to our apartment and it was already late. But we saw a woman with some bags in her hand so we ran up to her and helped her. Poor thing, she has extreme anxiety and was shaking and stuff so we told her we would walk her home. She didn´t live very far, but it took about na hour to get her home! we felt bad for getting home so late but we had to help her!! man the people here are just crazy, but you gotta love them! it is fun to learn and learn to love a diferente culture.
I love the character of Christ talk!! i try to remember it and try to always turn outwards. The less i think about myself, the happier i seem to be! I am starting to feel more comfortable with missionary life. I have to accept that there will never be a perfect day, but we have a savior. Every day i can try better to be more obediente and be more like our savior. When i let my testimony take over, things go better. If i just try to speak from my heart and the thoughts and feelings the spirit gives to me.
Thanks for all of the love and prayers!! I hope you have another fantastic week and good luck with the pagaent and everything! i pray for you guys always! tell everyone i am happy and loving Portugual. I am really having so much fun ( i hope that´s not a bad thing...) and i feel my testimony grow everyday!!!
Love you sooooooo much!
Sister Emma Rose Hulsey

the bichos pics is just funny (sorry im still immature)
we loved the sheep graffiti because we are gathering his sheep!
after our district meeting we had a FUNeral  for sis Smith. it really was a good time