Muito obrigada for the package momma! I am excited to be able to call you guys at the airport. Also tell caleb that I love him so so much and pray for him! Man anyone I show pictures of him to just tell me how cute he is! I CANNOT believe my time here at the MTC is over! I have loved it. I love the people, my teachers, learning the language, the food, the spirit, the exercise time, the devotionals, the laundry room, but most of all my experiences that have brought me closer to Christ and strengthened my relationship with God. I'm soups nervous to be headed out to a foreign country doing something I have never done before, but I do feel that I'm doing the right thing and i also feel a peace. And for how nervous I am i am equally if not more excited. This week we skyped with a member from Lisboa. She was the cutest happiest thing. She has only been a member for a year and none of her family are members. But she had the sweetest testimony. She told me and sister Morey that we were the sun! She made me SO excited to be able to go to Portugal. She was so easy to love and I can't wait to get to go love the people of Portugal. Also, today we had our last lesson with Rodnei (aka Irmao Curtis). We decided to just focus on Christ because that is our whole purpose as missionaries. We showed him Gracas a ele (because of him) and it was incredible. I needed to see that video, perhaps more than Rodnei. I could feel the spirit So strongly. I felt the immense power of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that through Christ I am able to accomplish anything. Anyway, the waterworks were a comin after that video and so me and sis Morey just bore testimony of Christ and invited Rodnei to continue to follow his example. I love that the spirit always prompts us to the things we need to do and then bears testimony of the truthfulness of all things. After our lesson we walked into the classroom and I still hadn't gotten ahold of myself so then my district just asked "you watched a mormon message huh?" because i swear those mormon messages always make me cry and I always feel the spirit. haha mas tudo bem! Anyways, i'm feeling mais o menos sobre a lingua. I understand pretty much everything that is said to me (at least by none native speakers, probs about 65% from skype trc with natives..:) however it is more difficult for me to actually formulate sentences. I'm trying though and the Lord is blessing my efforts. My conjugations aren't the best but at least I understand how they work! This week we had an infield orientation for like 9 hours. It was acutally really useful and we learned a lot about the importance of members in Missionary work. Also how we can share the gospel during our travels. Our teacher told us to buy a book of mormon to give away so I did and I have faith the Lord can help me find someone to give it to. But i've never done that before so #prayforme Sometimes i get so nervous about sharing the gospel but then i just remember alls i'm doing is inviting people to partake of the sweetest fruit there is. I love you all so very much. Thanks for all of your support, prayers, and generosity. I love my savior Jesus Christ and know that through the Atonement of him, I can do all things. Well i guess i must now go and start packing so wish me luck with that!!
Sister Hulsey
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