Monday, July 25, 2016

Email: Jul 25, 2016

Alrighty so this is my last (normal) pday in the MTC whaaaaat??? I can't believe it! This time has moved so quickly and I have learned oh so much! Momma thanks for the AMAZING package you sent!! oh man everyone loved it. It's almost all gone now and the soda has made so many people's days. I have made friends from it so thanks. And everyone was obsessed with the cookies so nice work!! thanks so much!! And thanks to maren and megan and others who sent dear elders! love getting them. ok so i got my flight plans!!!
I leave aug 1! We have to be at the travel office at 3:50 AM monday morning! (i don't know how we got so blessed with that awesome time...:) anyways we fly to chicago (shoutout to jeff) , then germany, then to Porto! We should arrive to Porto at about 11;45 tuesday morning! WE are flying on the Lufthansa (i'm sure dad has ridden this before) So i can call anytime between 350 am to 822 from salt lake and then in chicago we have a layover from 1230 to 4 so i may call between then! I will be having one last pday on saturday afternoon by the way. I am so so so so excited to go meet and love the people of Portugal!! i'm also so so nervous and feel inadequate but the Lord has blessed me with so much peace that I know that with the Lord I can do whatever is required. I definitely do not feel ready with the language but I don't feel afraid to try. I am a little nervous to travel but not bad, just don't want to get sick or anything! I will be traveling with like 8 other girls going to Porto so i will be safe! I can't believe how fast the time has gone here at the MTC. I am so blessed to be here right now. I feel the spirit SO strongly. I have met some of the coolest people and been blessed with some of the greatest teachers. I don't know if i exactly feel like i'm "ready" to be in the campo yet but I'm excited. 
Some reasons why i'm so excited are because some of our lessons were so awesome this week and I can't wait to share the gospel with those who are prepared! So we taught one of our investigators, Campeau if he would keep the word of wisdom!! and he has so we set the baptismal date for aug 2!! He is working towards that and we have just had awesome lessons lead by the spirit. In one of our lessons with him we planned to teach about keeping the sabbath day holy but we ended up teaching about the Atonement and we found the Because Of Him video in Portuguese and The spirit was so strong! Also we did a skype TRC this week with a brother from Lisbon! It was exciting and nerve racking. I could understand some of what he said but really he was just so nice and i'm so excited to serve the Lord's children in Portugal. We have had some awesome devotionals this week as well. Yesterday was probably one of my favorites ever because the Nashville Tribute Band came!! oh my goodness I cannot even explain how awesome it was. The choir got to sing 3 songs with them and the director just told us to sing as loud as we could so I was belting it but the spirit was incredible. then the last song they put the lyrics up on the screen and everyone sang "the hardest thing i've every done" or something and the lead singer told us the story of his mission and there was hardly any dry eyes in the mtc. There is a line that says the hardest thing i ever loved to do is open up my mouth and testify and the spirit carries it to the heart and they believed (ok something along those lines, look it up haha) but It is SO true. it is scary but the Lord fills our mouths when we do all we can. Also one of our teachers this week read the story of the stripling warriors with us. We talked about how the odds were truly against them. There was no reason for them to be successful, other than they were doing the work of the Lord. They were able to do it because of their faith and obeying with exactness. I loved it and it brought much comfort. I also often times think of the pioneers. My testimony of joseph smith has really been strengthened. The great faith, and positive attitude of the pioneers is really an example to me. 
So far being and STL has been a great blessing. I have gotten to know the girls in my zone a ton better. They are incredible and i have grown to love them and will miss them! It is hard and sundays are very busy. Basically we just have to interview all the district stl's and find out how everyone is doing and report to the branch council. And we have to conduct/plan relief society and we go and give hugs to each girl every night and make sure they are doing ok. There have been a few problems that we have had to take care of and I hate hate hate confrontation but the Lord is blessing me as me and sis morey have been faithful in trying to follow the Lord! The q&a was cool but i didn't ask any questions, way too intimidated! I'm excited to be able to call you but i'm going to try and not be supa sentimental so i don't get distracted or sad! so just know i'm not going to be trying to be cold hearted (but maybe a little??)  definitely jealous of the chuck e cheese trip mas tudo bem. HA i bet grandma and grandpa are confused. I hope everything works out well with her house and stuff. I"M SO EXCITED FOR STEPHANIE!!!! tell her she will just love love love it. (at least I do). Germany is perfect for her. It's so crazy that Eli will be in school all day now. I pray for him and think about him all the time! What a great example eli is to all of us! (and you mom, the way you and dad handled last summer is amazing to me) I have been thinking a lot about weaknesses as well. God has done bigger things than help me learn portuguese he had a virgin have the savior, he fed thousands with so little. The hard thing is how do we let god help? And sometimes I don't think it is a one time thing. It is a battle that we continually have to fight but day by day the Lord can bless us. I will pray for you. Eu amo voces muito muito e estou muita grata por meu opportunidade para ser uma misioneria agora. ha nunca otra coisa que eu quero fazer com minha vida. Eu espero que aprenda muito esta semana. The Lord is blessing me constantly and always reminds me that i'm doing the right things. There have been moments of discouragement but then the Lord always blesses me with the spirit and confirmations and i always go to bed feeling so so grateful.!
Love you guys so much! 
Sister Hulsey
ok as far as things i need for Portugual : nothing

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