Friday, November 3, 2017

Email: October 29, 2017

The time just keeps passing! We had a busy week but it was great. We had to  prepare a lot of stuff for our Halloween party and in between all the preparations we visited our investigators and tried to find new ones, and also tried to help the members invite their friends to come to the party. We actually weren´t able to teach that many lessons this week because I guess we always showed up at just the wrong time, but we were able to teach our investigator Dejara and respond to her questions! We talked a lot about the Plan of Salvation. She had some questions that truly we didn´t know the answer, but we just testified that we know that God´s plan is perfect and that in the end we will be happy. She was super sweet and before we left we helped her with some English homework. We also taught Miriam about the Word of Wisdom this week and she was shocked that we don´t drink coffee. She said she will try living it so we will see how it goes! On Thursday this week we had to go to Porto again. We talked with President and Sister Amorim.  I sure love them! They´re so funny! On the bus ride back I talked the whole time with this very proud, very well educated Baptist preacher. I asked him a lot of questions and he was super nice. It started a conversation with like 4 other people on the bus too! I invited all of them to our Halloween party of course and in the end I challenged him to read the Book of Mormon and he challenged me to open my views. haha I really do love meeting so many people and sharing with them what I know to be true and what brings the most happiness.  On Saturday we had our Halloween party! It was a lot of fun. (didn´t run nearly as well as they used to back in Lindon Utah but still was good) Me and Sis J had 8 investigators there and some less actives. We made a ton of sugar cookies and frosting and everyone loved decorating them! We had the Relief Society do a soup competition and it was awesome! The Portuguese people make the best soup! 
This week I have been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon. Something that impressed me was the way that Jacob and Joseph were ready to answer for the sins of the people they were teaching. They held nothing back and gave their everything so that in the end they would be clean. I love the  Book of Mormon and know it is true! It has the answers for everything. Truly in the Book of Mormon we see great example of how people trusted in God´s plan. Sometimes things really didn´t turn out the way they had expected and it even took a second before things got better, but the Lord knows the things that we are capable of and the things we need to learn in order for us to be truly refined. 
Love you all! 
Love Sister Emma Hulsey
We found a Mexican restaurant
The ward halloween partay! 

The view from our chapel

I fell asleep on the bus

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