Dear Family
OH MY GOSH this week was wonderful. And crazy. As a district we made a deal with our mission president that if we found 40 new investigators he would pay a lunch for us, and he agreed. We went finding people like crazy!! Sister Johnson isn´t allowed to walk a lot but I got to do a division with Sister Bastian! Then a few days later Sister Bastian was sick so I asked President if I could work with her companion and we went hard. Also as a district we all went to the other sisters' area to do a blitz and something really cool happened. Sister Johnson and I were on a bus to get out there and there was a young man sitting behind me. The spirit kept telling me to contact him so I finally did and he was really nice. Then we got off at the next stop. We started knocking doors and all the sudden we get to this one door and a really nice girl answered. She went and got her brother to participate in the lesson and guess who it was.. THE GUY I CONTACTED! They were really cool! I'm so grateful for the spirit that is always guiding us as long as we pay attention.
I had an interview with my president this week-it was like 5 minutes long but he just told me, "I trust you a lot." and then he gave us a ride home! He is super kind.
We also had 5 people come to church this week, which was actually Stake Conference! It was all focused on faith. I read one of my all time favorite conference talks called Come What May and Love It. I encourage all to read it!
Love all of you guys so much and I love my mission. I'm excited for the cousins that are heading out.
Have a great week!
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