Monday, September 25, 2017

Email: September 25, 2017

haha glad you guy liked the cards!!
Glad you guys had a fun filled week! 
This week was great! We had a zone conference where we learned a lot of stuff we need to do better, but that´s always good to hear. Then when we got home we felt we needed to go visit our investigator Miriam. She is the Brazilian one that lives in our apartment building. We went over and she told us that she had been reading in the Book of Mormon and she found answers! We invited her to be baptized but she said she still wants time to prepare. In the end she asked us when the next church meeting was. We all went to church together and she stayed all 3 hours and liked it! she has got a lot of potential, we just have to help her realize she is more prepared than she thinks! 
We have been teaching Maria Elisabete and on Saturday we were teaching her the plan of salvation. After teaching about Adam and Eve she just stops and asks "so how are babies born again?" SHE IS 46!!!! I was going to explain but we kind of just went on with the lesson...another day we will help her understand though. Anyway, she has been really afraid to tell her brother that she has been meeting with us and that has stopped her from going to church. On Saturday we were determined to talk with her brother, so finally we got his phone number and called him He gave permission for everything and she was beaming! She promised God that she will got to church every week and at church she announced to everyone what had happened. It was a little miracle from God and we are excited for her. 
Well, one more transfer has come and gone! You blink and you miss them. I will be staying here in Viseu with Sister Johnson who is officially out of training! I'm excited! 
Love you all! 
Sister Hulsey 

Miriam gave us these tamale things!

Our district lunch president paid for because we found a ton of novos one week! 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Email: September 18, 2017

Dear Family
OH MY GOSH this week was wonderful. And crazy. As a district we made a deal with our mission president that if we found 40 new investigators he would pay a lunch for us, and he agreed. We went finding people like crazy!! Sister Johnson isn´t allowed to walk a lot but I got to do a division with Sister Bastian! Then a few days later Sister Bastian was sick so I asked President if I could work with her companion and we went hard. Also as a district we all went to the other sisters' area to do a blitz and something really cool happened. Sister Johnson and I were on a bus to get out there and there was a young man sitting behind me. The spirit kept telling me to contact him so I finally did and he was really nice. Then we got off at the next stop. We started knocking doors and all the sudden we get to this one door and a really nice girl answered. She went and got her brother to participate in the lesson and guess who it was.. THE GUY I CONTACTED! They were really cool! I'm so grateful for the spirit that is always guiding us as long as we pay attention. 
I had an interview with my president this week-it was like 5 minutes long but he just told me, "I trust you a lot."  and then he gave us a ride home! He is super kind. 
We also had 5 people come to church this week, which was actually Stake Conference! It was all focused on faith. I read one of my all time favorite conference talks called Come What May and Love It. I encourage all to read it! 
Love all of you guys so much and I love my mission. I'm excited for the cousins that are heading out. 
Have a great week! 
Sister Emma Hulsey 

The division i did with sister Bastian.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Email: September 11, 2017

Hey Everyone, 
This week was kind of funny! Sister Johnson has like a pinched something in her back so she hasn´t really been able to walk and has been on "bed rest". But we still found some cool people. We went to this one neighborhood to knock some doors and we were just about to say a prayer and start knocking and all of the sudden we hear "sisteres" we looked around for a minute and then saw some guy on his balcony. We started yelling to him and told him to come talk with us but he yelled back that he smokes and drinks. We told him that´s ok and he should still come down. Well, he did and we were able to teach him. He was pretty funny. Then 2 days later we went back to knock doors because we never got to it and the first building we knocked we found like 4 more people! So we still can go back and knock the rest. 
Well Aldina has not been keeping our appointments and finally she answered the phone and told me, "I figured out that you guys aren´t from my church. I really don´t want to talk with you any more" hahah. I think the 1st lesson went in one ear and out the other-I don´t know how she thought we were Catholic! But we talked with her a little more and convinced her to let us come back one more time. We will see how it goes. 
Maria Elisabete oh man . I love her so much and she is adorable but she never keeps our appointments! She didn't come to church again. We are learning patience with her and I  believe with time as she learns more she will be baptized. 
The highlight of this week was that I got to go to the mission leadership council and we learned some great stuff! I really want to be more obedient and consecrated. I love seeing the example of other missionaries! Presidente explained that yes we have a lot of responsibilities as missionaries and as leaders but it doesn´t need to feel too heavy, because we have the Savior, and the Savior promises that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. The next day I decided to truly study that scripture in Matthew and felt an overwhelming sense of love from Jesus Christ. The real way we can come unto Christ is through repentence, and that is how our burdens are made light. 
I am so glad Eli is doing better! I love you guys a lot! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

we made a wheel of fortune!  Ignore the stain on my dress, some things just never change.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Email: September 4, 2017

Olá !! 
This week is kind of a blur, so much happens every day and then I can´t remember hardly anything when I come to write. Let´s see...
Monday night: We found 2 adorable families! One of them has triplet teenage boys that are kind of punks but the mom had us say prayers with them to soften their hearts. 
Tuesday : Sister Johnson and I did a sweet pratica on the first lesson in district meeting that went really well! She was SO nervous but did a great job.
Wednesday : Walked really far to this family´s house and they weren´t home... but we were able to visit some others peeps and still made it back in time to teach an awesome lesson about the sabbath day with the Dias Family to our marcada Maria Elisabete! (she is the really cute one in the tomi picture) 
Thursday : We felt inspired to go to this one neighborhood in the morning so we went and found 6 new people to teach. One of them is a Brazillian family. Holla
Friday : Marked this cool lady named Aldina for baptism in the 1st lesson. She was so excited to have a Book of Mormon and said she would read it with enthusiasm. 
Saturday : A crazy day because we were helpin' the other sisters prepare a baptism that didn´t end up happening and turned into "an activity about baptism" haha -was kind of awkward but still fun. 
Sunday : Sister Johnson and I matched our outfits for church and then ended up teaching Gospel Principles class. 
Sister Johnson and I found a fun way of contacting people... as we are walking through the streets we yell bom dia to people. It´s so funny when it is the afternoon or night because they DON`T say that . So the people crack a smile, stop, and correct us then we invite them to church or something. It´s fun to use the American card. 
I love you guys so much. I'm praying for Eli. That poor kid. I love him so much. Can´t believe everyone is having babies. (wait how many kids do Paul and Jeather have now?') Good luck to Adam and his try outs. 
Love you guys ! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

Me and sister Johnson sometimes match on accident, sometimes on purpose 
this is right in the abbey that we live in