Hey family!!
Sounds like you guys had a fabulous 4th of July! que bom. My fourth ofJjuly was spent pulling bags on and off of metros and buses and cobblestone roads but in the end we ended up finding a churro stand so we still were able to celebrate! My new comp is Sister Griffin and she is from Draper. SHE IS AMAZING!! i love her so much and we work really well together. She looks like Hannah Montana. This week was wonderful. We studied a talk called the Fourth Missionary. I have read it before but I read it this week and it came alive! It has changed my life. It talked about how even if we are doing all the right things and being obedient, if our heart or desires are still our own, it basically means nothing. We have to give our everything to the Lord.
We have found some cool people to teach! We have taught the first lesson multiple times and each time was a little different but so spiritual. I love the way my testimony of the Restoration grows each time I teach it. Also we were able to teach Marta after church yesterday. She is an investigator that has been taught and coming to church on and off for a year now. We decided to teach her the first lesson yesterday and it went really well! She asked about how Heavenly Father can answer our prayers and we testified that the peace she said she felt in church was the spirit and was God answering her prayers.
We also were talking with this one lady outside of her house and we just tried to keep getting closer to her door so we could go inside. Then she let us say a prayer with her and then let us in and we were able to teach her!
The work is going wonderfully. I am learning so much about the gospel and how perfect it is. Of course investigators always bring confusion and sometime hearteach but it is all swallowed up in the joy of the Atonement. The situation with Ana still isn´t totally resolved but we still love her and will continue to teach her how the gospel will bless her life.
My comp showed me in Preach my Gospel a line that says "the understanding of your investigators will be influenced by your personal worthiness". We must strive to be pure. I also read a talk about how we need to teach in the Savior's way, not just how he taught but WHY he taught. Really it is because this is a matter of salvation for God´s children. Outward appearances may be good but what matters is our heart.
Love you guys!
Sister Emma Hulsey
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