Monday, April 17, 2017

Email: April 17, 2017

Dear Family! 
What a week it has been. Everything has changed! I am now serving with sis Bushman. she is in her 3rd transfer. My new area is awesome! It is a branch but the members here truly are awesome. We don´t have anyone to teach but the Lord is helping us to find some people! We have been knocking and knocking and talking with everyone! I wanted to set appointments to talk with the members this week but they are all going to the temple! tudo bem. We hadn´t taught any lessons until Saturday when we were determined. We were a little bit more pushy but got into some houses. We told odette we wanted to sing her a song so she let us in and then she invited her daughter, sister and husband to hear. then we prayed and taught them about joseph smith. They were crazy and talked a lot and it was a party but the spirit was still there and it was a great experience. Then yesterday we found a lady outside of her house and we just offered to help her and in the end she let us talk with her and her family. 
We each bought a big chocolate egg and decided we would hide each others. I hid my companions inside of a bread bag and put it in the cupboard because she can´t eat gluten. I tricked her pretty well! The traditions here for easter are a bunch of the catholic priests walked around with robes on and a huge cross and go around door to door asking if people want to kiss the cross and i think they give them almonds or something. 
Congrats to boo and courtney and grandma lisa hahah that is pretty funny! glad you guys had a fun week of family time and that easter went well.
Tell everyone that i love them! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

miguel is a member that takes one day a week and walks all around with us! he is awesome!! ​

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