Monday, February 20, 2017

Email: February 20, 2017

Another week bites the dust. This week was pretty cool we got to do a division with some sisters in guimaraes and i got to work with sis Maingot!!! (the sister that lived in our house in porto when her leg was all broken) and it was so good to be with her! and to see her walk! we also invited people to be baptized on the street because our president challenged us to do 2 baptism invites with a date per day. Also this week we had a fabulous lesson with Isabel, Rosa, and henrique. Isabel REALLY wants to be baptized! the only things is she needs to get married...and that will take at the least like 2 months because she needs papers from angola! but we will continue with her. She is so incredible! she reads the book of mormon on the bus on her way to work and she explained to us one day she was embarassed to take out the BoM and read because people always look at her so she said she said a prayer and after she felt as if she were alone, and that she knows heavenly father answers prayers! Seriously it is such a privelege to teach people with such great faith! I learn SO much from these people here. Because almost all of these people are catholic (or evangelical) sooo they have a lot of faith in Jesus Christ they just have to be pointed in the right direction. 
Also on Saturday we had a very special experience. We have been trying to contact lots of less actives and on friday we called Rosa Maria who in the end finally said we could come visit her the next day. So we went and she explained that even though she is less active she still always prays and listens to motab. She said that on thursday night she was feeling down so she turned on motab and felt something so strong inside of her to go to the church. it was really late so she didn´t go. but then all of the sudden the next day we called!! In the end we invited her to church and she said that maybe she will go. Then on our way to church we found her walking too! she said it felt good to be back in church. I know that the Lord always knows every single one of his children!! 
We have transfers coming next week. OOO and we are excited for this week because elder limeiur is coming to do a mission tour. 
Love you guys and love our Savior!
Sister Hulsey

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