Hello family!!!
Another crazy week. First of all, the weather is starting to get really rainy! But i actually really like the rain so tudo bem! I also got some awesome rainboots for 11 euros and also an umbrella at the china store for 5 euros. I was pretty excited! I guess the rain won´t stop until April but at least i am not as sweaty!
We had a family home evening this week for our ward. It was our first time doing it. But it turned out pretty good! we had 4 less actives come and 2 investigators! Plus other ward members! We played a little game and then me and sis nagliati gave a spiritual message then ate some food! I think we are going to do another one soon! We want to do a halloween party!
I got to go on a division with sis nance! Sister nance has one more transfer than me. She is SO fun. We were able to teach like 3 lessons and found a referrals house! everyone wanted to know how it went because both sister nance and i are pretty new here but it was a really great day! then she spent the night and we had studies together the next morning. It was really fun!
On friday we had our lunch with the refugee family! holy moly it was delicious! i ate a lot! Malek was teaching us how to say different types of fruit in arabic. I must have said it pretty badly because he couldn´t stop laughing! It was really cool and they said they really want to keep learning about our church and they would try again to go to church!
Also dani moved her baptism date!! she will be baptized the 28th of this month! GLORIA PARA DEUS!! She is only smoking like 1 cigarrette these days (used to be like 15) and she keeps all of our commitments! We made her baptismal invites and she was so excited to hand them out. We are so excited for her. She really worries about her sins in the past (she always tells us how she has already broken all the commandments) so her baptism will be so special because she can be completley clean!
Dona Leila didn´t come to church because yesterday was the anniversary of her mom´s death. She said she needed to watch something about virgin mary on tv to feel better, Well, we went and visited after church and she said that nossa senhora didn´t help her feel better. We told her she needs to come to church and she said this next week she will! We even got her saying that on video so next week, SHE IS COMING! Poor thing, she is having a hard time but we know that the gospel of Jesus Christ will help her!
Yeah so Rosa broke up with us last week, but she called us again yesterday and said she wants to try again! We totally want to help her but she has to choose for herself. We are trying again though and are praying a lot for her. I think she already spent her money for this month on drugs again, but we will keep on keepin on!
OH also this week we started teaching F. We met felipe because we got onto the bus and he asked us if we had change for 5 euros, we only had 4 but he took it. We asked him for his number so that we could return his euro to him. Well, we called him a few days later and he was shocked! He told us that he thought he would never see us again, he didn´t believe people like that existed! We met up with him and gave him his euro and a restoration pamphlet and invited him to church. HE CAME! then we met with him again and taught the first lesson. He is awesome! He is very abstract. And thinks a lot. But after the first lesson he said before he used to think there were many paths in life but he realizes that there is only one! The only reason we haven´t passed him to the elders yet. He has piercings, dresses very nice, and wears make up! The best was everyone´s faces when we brought him to church But really he is so open to learning! . We are going to read the proclamation with him this week so hopefully that goes well. The gospel is for EVERYONE!
Also we taught A! she is from the spirits church or something but she has a ton of Faith in jesus. She wants to read the book of mormon but she also wants us to read a book from her religion. She was super sweet though and gave us inscents! Our house smells pretty good now.
Time just keeps passing! I am happy to be a missionary! I have been trying to study how to recognize the spirit. It is such a cool gift that we have from God. Also i just keep thinking about Charity. Charity will help me in every aspect of my work and my life in general. I am so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ. Amazing grace, i am continually lost but i am always found! (in more than just one way, thank goodness sis nagliati is good with directions). But really, God is our father and through his Son Jesus Christ, we can be saved and have eternal happiness.
Love you guys so much! Sounds like things are pretty crazy back at home but just remember to always keep faith and always follow the Savior. That´s the only thing that matters.
Sister Emma Hulsey
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