Monday, October 23, 2017

Email: October 23, 2013

Hey Fam! 
SO much happened this week! It was a blast and I saw the hand of the Lord many times. Last Monday we volunteered at this supplies gathering place to organize stuff for fire victims and it was incredible to see the way a community comes together! We brought our investigator with us too and she loved it. On Tuesday I had to go to Porto for leadership council, which was super inspiring! But on the way there our bus broke down so we got there a little late even though our bus left at 6 am. But we talked a lot about how we need to use the Book of Mormon more so on the bus ride back I sat by this jovem (youth) and we talked the whole time about the gospel and he was SO excited to read the Book of Mormon. I felt the spirit so strongly on that bus. The Book of Mormon has great power! On Wednesday we went out to a part of our area that was really badly affected by the fires to see if we could help and to bring hope and peace. Lots of people were still hard hearted but we found one lady whose house was burning but they saved it and she was so grateful. We gave her a BoM and she said "I love to read and I love Jesus, how much is this book??" On Thursday we had our zone meeting which I always get a little nervous to present things in Portuguese but it went well! Friday and Saturday were wonderful days full of finding awesome people to teach! We found these 2 old men painting a fence so we helped them for like an hour and they were shocked that girls can paint just as well as guys! They tried to pay us and hid money in my comp´s pocket but we gave it back. They were adorable and said they will definitely come by the church sometime. They also said that we now have grandpas in Portugal. 
Something that I love is that when people start going off about things in our church, the spirit enlightens my mind and literally everything in this gospel starts to make more and more sense. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon that teaches us so clearly! I am grateful for Joseph Smith and our prophet today that leads and guides us. I know that we have a Savior and that God is a god of love! 
I love you all! 
Sister Emma Hulsey
Our crew who volunteered to help with the fires! Safety first!

We found a lizard!

This is what the viseu looked like when the fires were bad.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Email: October 16, 2017

Olá Familia!!! 
What a crazy week it has been! Between doctors appointments, a baptism, and lots of fires I was pooped yesterday! But it has been joyful. 
We fasted and prayed this week to ask God to help Maria Elisabete´s brother let her be baptized. In the end it all worked out and on Saturday she entered the waters! It was super special but.... she is super afraid of water! As she got in she just kept saying she was scared and as she was dunked she freaked out and we saw her squirming around in the water. I panicked and yelled out, "someone help her!!!" but in the end it was all good haha. She said it was kind of scary but that she liked it. The service was short and simple. Then on Sunday she was confirmed and her blessing was very sweet. It was such a privilege to get to know her and see her child like submissiveness to the gospel.
We had to go to the hospital because Sister Johnson had to get some tests done. Now we have a good friend there that never makes us wait in line or anything. 
We have also been trying to help Miriam understand that only this church has authority. She still doesn´t have a testimony of this but she loves coming to church with us. She came to Maria Elisabete´s baptism too! 
Yesterday night it got foggy looking in the sky. We woke up this morning and our house smelled like a campfire then we looked outside and the skies are gray and it´s raining ashes! There are a ton of fires here! We are all safe but we got some masks to wear around and Presidente said not to leave the house too much today. Our ward is putting supplies together for the firefighters so we are probs going to go and help with that. 
Well, I hope Caleb can grow taller to ride on some rides and I hope you all have lots of fun at Lagoon this weekend.  I was reading 2nd Nephi 9 this week and was trying to understand more about opposition in all things. I love that chapter and it truly strengthened my testimony of our Savior. 
Love you guys! 
Sister Emma Hulsey

Monday, October 9, 2017

Email: October 9, 2017

Fall is always a beautiful time of year! It´s not quite the same here. haha In fact, lately it has been really hot and hasn´t rained in a while. Apparently Viseu is going to run out of water in a month if it doesn´t rain. Everyone has been saying that it is going to be really warm until December! which I'm fine with! 
This week was interesting.......... 
Presidente Amorim made all the missionaries go get flu shots so after district meeting we did! Then that night I started getting sick. The next morning I woke up with a fever and my nose was supes stuffy but nem quase was I going to stay in the house. We went out and taught some cool peeps that day! We walked so much that.... the next day Sis Johnson couldn´t walk! She had to stay in all day so I took another sister with me to the marked appointments that we had. On Friday Sis Johnson woke up with a fever and felt pretty sick so we only worked  a little and Saturday as well. I'm grateful for every second we have outside the house! I literally try to not shut my mouth when I am out. I've been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon and studying Conference talks and I'm very grateful for prophets. 
Maria Elisabete, the one who is marked for baptism, was progresssing very nicely this week. We re taught her all the lessons and she was ready for her interview. She did it on Sunday during the 3rd hour and she passed! Unfortanetly , this morning she called and told us her brother isn´t going to let her go to church any more and she isn´t allowed to talk with us anymore. WHAT???  Well, the zone leaders are going over to try and talk with her brother tonight so we will see how that goes. 
Miriam came to church with us again! She is finding answers in the Book of Mormon but she just doesn´t know that there is only 1 true church haha! But we love her so much. 
I know that God is aware of us and our needs. I know that He truly sends the Comforter to us! I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and has the answers for everything. I know we have a Savior and that we have His gospel. I love you guys!

Sister Emma Hulsey

Email: October 9, 2017

Wow good job Mom-I'm proud of you for typing that on your phone! 
This week we had transfers. I'm staying here in Viseu with my comp so nothing new! (besides our plans and goals!) Sister Johnson and I have been trying to truly teach to the necessities of our investigators this week. We have tried to maintain daily contact and really do all we can to help them progress, and God has truly blessed our efforts! Our Brazillian investigator Miriam (also our neighbor) has started to read the Book of Mormon and is liking it! However, she asked us to pray about and go to her church. Needless to say we did, however it just strengthened my testimony that truly the church of Christ has been restored and it is here to help us live with Heavenly Father again. She came to a session of Conference though, and said she is coming to church next week! We really love her and want her to find peace in her life. 
Maria Elisabete is progressing as well! We moved her baptism to an earlier date, and we are so proud of her! She reads in the Book of Mormon every day and loves coming to church. She found her own ride to Conference this week! Tonight we are going to invite her brother to come to her baptism so hopefully that goes well!!
We had to go to Porto this week for a Dr´s appointment (the same Dr as Cristiano Rondaldo) but it took all day! The Dr was really cool and we told him about how the prophet was going to speak to us this weekend and he was super interested to tune in! I'm excited for Sis Johnson´s next appointment to see if he liked Conference. 
Highlight of the week was most definitely General Conference.  Every single talk had something that I could apply. I especially liked Sister Eubank´s talk about how we need to be different. Also something that gave me chills was President Nelson´s testimony at the end of his talk.  A general theme that I was sensing is that everyone needs to read the Book of Mormon more and support our church leaders! 
I love you all so much. I love our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that through Him we are truly able to be cleansed and purified. Through Him we can change. I know His power is here on the earth! 
Sister Hulsey