Boa Tarde!!!
I don´t have much time today but thanks for all of your encouraging thoughts and prayers...
Last Monday we contacted a referral we received from the elders. We met with her and she is GOLDEN. She accepted baptism that night. We taught her the next day in the chapel and showed her the baptismal font and she said, “ I don´t know why but I think that I´m prepared....” Anyways we marked a date for 10 de september! That’s like 3 days before Sis Smith goes home. So we have faith everything will work out with her. She drinks coffee and alcohol and smokes but she has enough faith to get over those things. Her name is Rosa and she is 55. It was so funny because we taught her the plan of happiness and then she started singing Happiness by Bob Marley. It was so funny. She always sings Bob Marley.
We also found 2 other novos! One is from Angola (We LOVE teaching Africanos, they’re all so open and nice!) and we started teaching a Jehova´s Witness. His name is Joaquim and he is probably 50. We taught him the first lesson and it was really fun. He knows SO much about the Bible but he is very respectful about our religion so we will see how he progresses!
This week was just better. Me and Sis Smith are getting pretty close, and we are just good friends! (which isn´t the best because we talk and talk usually not in Portuguese whoops) and it will be sad to have her leave! My language...well it isn´t doing the best. I feel like I am understanding more but I really need to use is more. And study more. A lot of time we don´t have time for language study but we will see how this week goes.
Today for pday we went and saw this awesome castle and a really cute city called Quimaraes or something.
I am starting to feel a little more comfortable with the whole missionary life. It all clicked this week when we actually found someone truly prepared by the Lord. That is why I am here, to help others come unto Christ! I have been studying a lot about Christ in my personal studies and it just really strengthens my testimony of Him every time I read. If I don´t think about how much time I have left, and try to just focus on others, things go better! I just will take things one day at a time and things go well! I can´t believe how much my testimony has already been strengthened here in Portugal. Especially about the Sacrament. I have a new love for the Sacrament. I feel such a power when I partake!
Well I will try to send some pics soon, we will see! Good luck with another week of school! I pray for you guys all the time. Tell Gma I say hello and I love her. And Grandpa too. And all the family! (ps Alex Boye...heck yeah!) and please send me pics of Megan and hoco! Good luck with the pagaent!
Sorry this was very scattered! Just know I am happy and safe and I know the gospel is true!! Love you guys
Sister Hulsey