TUDO BEM!!!! I can't believe I am a missionary either. I am happy! It is fun to have Bro and Sis platt working with our branch. He told me if i ever need anything from you to just ask him. They are so nice. And I have seen pretty much everyone I was expecting to, and more! That has been super fun. This has been harder than I thought. I am struggling with things I didn't expect to however, we had a devotional last night and the guy talked about how Satan knows exactly how to push our buttons. He knows what could get us discouraged. I took a lot of comfort in that and that was exactly the answer I needed. AND we got to watch the talk given by Elder Bednar in the MTC a few years ago called the character of Christ. IT WAS AMAZING! Basically it just says the character of Christ was to ALWAYS turn outward. I need to forget about myself and get myself out of the way in order for the work of the Lord to be done. I want that to be the theme for my mission. Always turn outward. Me and sister Morey get along great! She is very driven and loves to go go go so I just try to keep up :) The language has been fun so far! I actually understand a lot of what goes on in class, and I am picking it up ok. Being fluent in spanish is really helping me. Just kidding. I actually think I am probably speaking spanish most of the time and pretend that it is portuguese but it is fun anyway! The food is awesome! so far I love it. Sister morey is like super healthy though so it motivates me to eat more fruit and veggies. My district is fun! We are finally starting to get more comfortable with each other. There are 2 sets of elders and 3 sets of sisters ( including mine). All of us sisters sleep in the same room and so far we get along great. One sister, Sister Leavitt cracks me up. If you have seen the movie Austenland, she reminds me of the funny lady on that movie. She is so generous and so easy going and so sweet. But she ALWAYS falls asleep in class. And another sister, Sister Johnson went to Utah State! She is absolutely hilarious and says the funniest things. She is going to mozambique. (so are all the elders but one). anyway so far so good. I have not seen uncle Tim but the russel stovers you sent me cracked me up. I tried to explain it to people but they just didn't understand. PE is fun! Sister Morey loves to run too she goes and runs with another sister and me and sister Leavitt go play volleyball. And i think it was the Sandbergs who saw me. HAHA I have not seen any apostles yet but I have really been trying hard to. I like reading your emails mom! Although it is true that I don't have a ton of time! I'm glad Megan and Maren had fun at G camp. (Oh that reminds me so sis Leavitt was teaching about the plan of salvation and all the sudden whips out these spongebob and sandy characters to explain it. She had spent the whole night before cutting them out haha) I feel like I'm at a camp right now. I still don't have the schedule down so i'm confused a lot of the time but that's just kinda how I am with everything. I just fake like I know what's going on! Today our district gets to go clean the temple! I'm super excited for that. I really do love the temple and it is closed for 2 weeks but I'm so glad we get to go clean it! OH man so like the 2nd day we were here we got to teach our first investigator Nelson. It was kinda rough. We hardly knew any portuguese haha so he would talk and talk and ask if we understand and we would be like Nao, and so he actually taught us some portuguese. I tried to ask him to say a prayer and kneel down but i didn't know how to say kneel so i just kept patting my knees. But he eventually ended up kneeling so i guess that worked. Anyway we taught him again and that went better. And we get to teach him again tonight and i translated our whole lesson so hopefully it goes well. I think I just need to have more faith. and try harder to learn more portuguese! I am trying to be totally obedient! I constantly have a peace about me. Me and sister Morey were talking about how we really are a peculiar people! Like what 19 year old girls spend their saturday night studying a different language and teaching someone the gospel. But I love it. I have the coolest opportunity in the world! I am so blessed to be a part of the Lord's work. Everyone is so nice and happy here. I try to always smile because there are always things to smile about. Umm I will try to send pics but I don't know if I will have time to figure it out today! OK and as far as things I need, it would be awesome to get like 12 tide pods or whatever so I could have enough just for my stay here (The detergent it SUPER expensive for some reason) and like a few dryer sheets too. And envelopes and stamps. But if you can't send those I could totally just go buy them so no biggie. I'm excited for this new week! Thanks so much for the packages! Everyone thought they were awesome. OH our branch rule is that we can't open any of our mail untill 9:30 so don't send perishable! :) . haha the eddy's said they were looking to give me nuggs but they didn't have them in the bookstore. OOO we got chick fil a the other night and I about cried. It was amazing. Sorry this was probably the most scattered letter ever I just am not a good writer and my mind feels like mush. But a good kind of mush. Like mashed potatoes. I LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE YOU ARE DOING AWESOME THINGS! I totally can feel strength from your prayers.
Tchau Tchau
Sister Hulsey